Are you looking for work in the heavy industry sector?

Fit 4 Work will help you land the job you WANT!

You will achieve the health and fitness standards required to pass fitness for work tests needed for a job in the heavy industry sector.

You will have access to allied health professionals at THRIVE HEALTH CENTRE AND Comet Healthcare in port pirie and port augusta.

We have seen first hand that too many job seekers get so close to landing their job and don’t get over the line right at the end due to failing pre-employment medicals. Fit 4 Work is the solution to that problem. The first of its kind in regional SA, Fit 4 Work is a 10-week program designed to strengthen pathways to work for 80 participants through increased levels of fitness for work to meet industry prescribed levels of fitness for entry-level jobs in the heavy industry sector.

The program is tailored to the needs of individual candidates, and will:

  • Deliver individual assessments and personalised fitness plans.

  • Facilitate group fitness in a supportive team environment.

  • Conduct one-on-one Pre-employment Medicals in a supportive and confidential manner to measure individual progress and goals achieved at various stages to maintain motivation and focus.

  • Connection with Allied Health professionals and partner employers through educational sessions tailored to candidate needs, such as Dieticians, Physiotherapists and hiring employers with available jobs.

  • Provide access to jobs.

Locations: Port Augusta and Port Pirie, South Australia.

Port Augusta program days are Monday (group fitness), Tuesday (group fitness) and Thursday (group fitness at 10:30am then education at 11:30am).

Port Pirie delivery days are Monday (group fitness and education), Wednesday (group fitness) and Thursday (fitness).

Eligibility criteria: Must be registered with a Workforce Australia, Transition to Work or ParentsNext Provider

Participation in Fit 4 Work will earn a Participant 20 points under the PBAS.

Contact Career Co. Australia to learn more or to connect with a candidate in the program.

(08) 8686 8596

Fit 4 Work Program Dates

Port Augusta

  • Program 1: 29/4/204 – 8/7/2024

  • Program 2: 15/7/2024 – 20/9/2024

  • Program 3: 14/10/2024 – 19/12/2024

Port Pirie

  • Program 1: 28/4/2024 – 8/7/2024

  • Program 2: 5/8/2024 – 11/10/2024

  • Program 3: 21/10/2024 – 19/12/2024

Read about participant experiences in Fit 4 Work

Anthony’s career kickstart to the mining sector